I’m pleased to report that the updated CV (http://jayhurst.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/EJ_Hurst_II_CV_17-0611.pdf) includes full admissions in more federal courts, a sampling of my publications, and a mailing address more accessible to my Lexington residence:
1890 Star Shoot Parkway
Suite 170, PMB 371
Lexington, Kentucky 40509
With the twin toddlers finally comfortable around extended family, I will seek Kentucky Bar admission in the coming fiscal year. While not admitted in Kentucky (yet), I am still able to provide the same great service nationwide to federal defendants facing trial, sentencing, appeals, post-conviction motions, or Bureau of Prisons (BOP) problems. Nothing has changed about the services I offer under federal law – except, of course, the ever-increasing experience in federal courts around the country.
What is changing is my renewed focus on the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The BOP FOIA Project (http://www.victorvillefoia.org) started 12 years ago, helping one federal inmate escape from a punitive but incorrect transfer to segregation. Since 2005, the Project has periodically forced the BOP to disclose its prison capacities (http://jayhurst.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/16-0216_Capacities_PP80_population_report.pdf), a number that shows how overcrowded our federal prison system – and which the BOP last published on its own in about 2001.
The BOP FOIA Project has also secured guidance about how the BOP classifies inmates’ medical conditions (http://www.victorvillefoia.org/downloads/BOP%20Med%20Levels%2012-0126.pdf). And it has confirmed that the BOP’s Reduction in Sentence program really is misnamed a “compassionate release” offering, with purportedly vast changes in policy resulting in but marginal increases in these motions by the BOP. (http://victorvillefoia.org/downloads/bop-reduction-in-sentencing-program.pdf)
As always, I consider taking federal civil rights or North Carolina State matters on a case-by-case basis. But even if I cannot take your case, I can certainly guide you along the process, or maybe to other lawyers better able to help you.
It is an exciting time in the Office, as we move into another phase after 15 years of practice. Please call or write anytime, to see if we might be the right fit for your needs.